Harmonizing the Cosmos and Consciousness: Profound Parallels Between the Universe and Human Brain

Universe and Human Brain

Introduction 1,2

In the quest for a unified physics of reality, science has uncovered a profound pattern woven into the fabric of the universe and human brain. This pattern involves the intriguing marriage of two fundamental organizational principles: holography and fractals. As scientists delve deeper into the mysteries of the cosmos, they find themselves navigating a landscape that they affectionately refer to as “holofractogramic physics.” This term encapsulates the dual nature of universal organization, where information is holographically interconnected, and structures exhibit fractal-like patterns.

But what exactly does “fractal ordering of structure” mean in the grand tapestry of the universe? Fractals are born from elegant mathematical algorithms that, when applied, give rise to intricate, self-similar patterns. These patterns repeat themselves across various scales and magnitudes, creating a mesmerizing harmony. This essence of fractals is key to understanding the universe’s grand design.

We encounter a pivotal realization as we explore the cosmic link between fractals and our existence. If the universe follows a fractal pattern, it implies a certain level of scale-invariant complexity. In other words, as we examine the complexity within a realm such as the animal brain, we should expect to encounter echoes of this complexity at both larger and smaller scales. Although we cannot directly peer into the mysteries of the universe at the quantum level, which approaches the complexity and connectivity of our brains, we can analyze the universe’s complexity at its grandest scale, “The Cosmic Web.

Cosmic Web Versus Neuronal Network 1,2

Universe and Human Brain

A groundbreaking study has now boldly undertaken this task, revealing a quantifiable and objective similarity between the Cosmic Web and the network of neurons in the human brain. This profound discovery emerged from collaboration of two remarkable minds: Franco Vazza, an astrophysicist, and Alberto Feletti, a neuroscientist. Their research, presented in a paper published in Frontiers in Physics, transcends the boundaries of magnitude and showcases the interplay of matter in these seemingly disparate networks.

This exploration reveals that the perceived similarities between these two vast networks of matter, separated by staggering scales, are far from coincidental. Instead, they demand a physical explanation that unifies self-organizational dynamics across various scales. The unified self-organizational dynamic is a concept explored in the research paper “The Unified Spacememory Network,” shedding light on a unifying organizational principle. Additionally, as discussed in “The Morphogenic Field is Real,” the morphogenic field offers further insight into this unified dynamic.

One of the most intriguing implications of their research is that “Your life’s memories could, in principle, be stored in the universe’s structure.” This revelation aligns with the implicit conclusions drawn from the study of the Unified Spacememory Network, shedding light on the potential interconnectedness of our life experiences with the universe’s vast memory.

Structural Parallels 3

Astounding similarities come to light as we explore the structural organization shared by neuronal and galactic networks – a difference spanning 27 orders of magnitude. In the cosmos, galaxies cluster into colossal supergalactic clusters, each stretching over hundreds of millions of parsecs. These mammoth structures exhibit dendritic networks, much like neurons in the human brain. Long filaments connect these galactic nodes, while vast voids punctuate the spaces between them, creating an awe-inspiring celestial web.

Universe and Human Brain

The interface at the boundary between voids and filaments, as explored by Franco Vazza and Alberto Feletti, is a realm of complexity and organization. Here, gravity propels matter at incredible speeds, shaping one of the universe’s most intricate areas of structured matter. This comparison alone underscores the surprising parallels between cosmic and neural networks.

The researchers employed a powerful tool from cosmology, the density power spectrum analysis, to quantitatively measure the resemblance between these networks. It’s an approach that gauges the strength of structural fluctuations at specific spatial scales, revealing the unique “melodies” these networks create.

The findings are astounding: the power spectrum of brain slices (at 40X magnification) exhibits strikingly aligned with the cosmic web’s curve, generated through simulation. This indicates structural similarities and suggests that the cosmic web’s complexity and information-processing capabilities parallel those found within the human brain.

A Glimpse into the Cosmic Order 3,4

The echoes of complexity, structure, and information processing observed in supergalactic clusters mirror those in the human brain. This connection hints at the idea that “form recapitulates function.” In essence, the level of complexity and information processing found within our brains may manifest at both the grandest and most minuscule scales of the universe.

This notion carries significant implications for our understanding of the universe’s evolution and the interconnectedness of all its subsystems. It notably lends credence to the hypothesis of panpsychism, suggesting that elements of consciousness are embedded at every level, within every subsystem, and throughout the cosmos. In its grand orchestration, the universe harmoniously interweaves the tapestry of existence, encompassing stardust, galaxies, and neurons in a cosmic dance of profound significance.


The universe and the human brain exhibit striking similarities that reveal a profound cosmic harmony. Galaxies, neurons, stars, and synapses appear to move to a universal rhythm. This revelation raises questions about consciousness and our position in the cosmos. As we contemplate the grand symphony of existence, we find unity in the interconnectedness of all things, blurring the lines between self and universe. This is an invitation to explore the concealed melodies and harmonies that link the microcosm of our minds to the vast expanse of the cosmos.1,2,3,4


  1. F. Vazza & A. Feletti. The Quantitative Comparison Between the Neuronal Network and the Cosmic Web. Frontiers in Physics (2020) Volume 8, Article 525731. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphy.2020.525731
  2. Haramein, N., Val Baker, A., Brown, W. The Unified Spacememory Network: from cosmogenesis to consciousness. The Journal of Neuroquantology (2016) Vol 14, Issue 4, doi: 10.14704/nq.2016.14.4.961
  3. Conselice CJ, Wilkinson A, Duncan K, et al. The evolution of galaxy number density at z < 8 and its implications. Astrophys J. (2016) 830:83. doi:10. 3847/0004-637X/830/2/83
  4. Azevedo FA, Carvalho LR, Grinberg LT, et al. Equal numbers of neuronal and nonneuronal cells make the human brain an isometrically scaled-up primate brain. J Comp Neurol. (2009). 513:532–41. doi:10.1002/cne.21974

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