Man’s Back Pain Uncovers Tripartite Kidney


A routine visit to the doctor for lower back pain turned into an extraordinary revelation for a man in Brazil. While seeking medical attention at the Hospital do Rim in São Paulo, he not only discovered the cause of his discomfort but also that he possessed three kidneys!

Possessing three kidneys is an unusual medical condition known as a “trifid ureter” or “tripartite kidney. A rare anomaly that has been documented in less than 100 cases in medical literature.

Researchers believe that this condition arises during embryonic development when a structure typically responsible for forming a single kidney undergoes an unusual division.

This intriguing case sheds light on the complexities of human embryonic development and the mysteries that can lie within our bodies.

The Unusual Discovery

The 38-year-old man’s ordeal began when he complained of severe low-back pain. In an attempt to identify the source of his discomfort, doctors performed a CT scan to evaluate his back area. While the scan did reveal a herniated or “slipped” disk, a relatively common issue involving the displacement of a cushion-like disk between spinal vertebrae, it wasn’t the most astonishing finding.

Tripartite Kidney

During the evaluation, the medical team noticed an extraordinary anatomical feature – the man had three kidneys. Unlike the typical human configuration of two kidneys, he had one normally situated kidney on his left side and two kidneys fused together on the right side near the pelvis. Remarkably, all three organs appeared to be functioning correctly, and the man displayed no symptoms of kidney-related problems.

An Unusual Ureter Arrangement

In the usual anatomy, each kidney connects to the bladder through a single duct called a ureter. In this unique case, one of the pelvis kidneys had a direct connection to the bladder via a ureter. However, the ureter of the other pelvis kidney joined the ureter of the normal left-side kidney before entering the bladder. This intricate arrangement further added to the medical intrigue.

Silent Condition

The most intriguing aspect of this anomaly is its tendency to remain asymptomatic. Individuals with three kidneys typically do not experience any related health issues, making it challenging to diagnose unless accidentally discovered during unrelated medical investigations. In this particular case, the patient did not require any medical intervention for the extra kidney. Instead, he was prescribed oral painkillers to alleviate his back pain.


The story of the Brazilian man with three kidneys serves as a captivating reminder of the intricate variations that can occur within the human body. While this condition is exceedingly rare and generally does not result in health complications, it underscores the remarkable intricacies of embryonic development and the astonishing discoveries that modern medicine can still unearth. In a world where we often think we know everything about the human body, cases like this remind us that hidden secrets are still waiting to be revealed.

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