8 Health Conditions That Affect Men More Than Women


While both men and women face various health concerns, it is essential to acknowledge that certain medical conditions disproportionately affect men. These gender-specific disparities can be influenced by a combination of biological, lifestyle, and societal factors. In this article, we will explore several prevalent health conditions more commonly observed in men than women, along with additional insights into the underlying factors contributing to these disparities.

Gender Disparities in Health Conditions

  1. Parkinson’s Disease: It is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive brain damage, resulting in muscle stiffness and involuntary tremors. Statistics indicate that men are 1.5 times more likely to develop Parkinson’s disease than women. The reasons behind this gender disparity remain under investigation, underscoring the importance of understanding the complex interplay of biological and environmental factors. Recent studies have suggested that hormonal differences and genetic susceptibility may play significant roles in this variation.
  2. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD): It affects individuals of all genders; however, it is frequently diagnosed in males rather than females. This discrepancy in diagnosis rates may stem from differences in symptom expression, with females often employing coping mechanisms to mask their symptoms. Recognizing these gender-specific patterns is essential for early intervention and support. Emerging research also suggests that sex-linked genetic factors may contribute to the prevalence of ASD in males.
  3. Melanoma: Skin cancer, particularly melanoma, displays gender-related differences. Men tend to be more susceptible to melanoma, particularly after age 65, and their cases are often more severe. Lifestyle choices, such as sun protection and skincare practices, may contribute to this variation, as women tend to exhibit greater diligence in these areas. Hormonal influences, including estrogen’s potential protective effects on skin, have been explored as contributing factors.
  4. Pancreatic Cancer: Pancreatic cancer is more frequently diagnosed in men, partly due to higher smoking rates among men. However, genetic factors may also contribute to this gender disparity. Early detection and lifestyle modifications, such as maintaining a healthy weight and quitting smoking, can reduce the risk of developing pancreatic cancer. Recent studies have shown a link between specific genetic mutations and an increased risk of pancreatic cancer in men.
  5. Gout: A painful form of arthritis caused by elevated uric acid levels in the body, gout is less common in women. This reduced susceptibility can be attributed to the role of estrogen in facilitating uric acid excretion. Dietary adjustments, including reduced consumption of red meat and alcohol, can aid in preventing gout flare-ups. It’s important to note that ongoing research is uncovering more about the genetic and hormonal aspects contributing to gender disparities in gout.
  6. Aortic Aneurysm: It is more prevalent in men, particularly abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). Risk factors associated with this condition include smoking, advanced age, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis. Men can reduce their risk by quitting smoking, maintaining an active lifestyle, and adopting a heart-healthy diet. Genetic predispositions, including variations in collagen genes, have been identified as potential contributors to AAA development in men.
  7. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease): Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease affecting both genders but is 20% more common in men. The precise reasons for this discrepancy remain uncertain, necessitating further research into ALS’s underlying mechanisms. Recent studies have explored the role of sex hormones, neuroinflammation, and genetic factors in ALS prevalence among men.
  8. Kidney Stones: Diets rich in protein and salt elevate the risk of kidney stone formation. Men tend to consume higher quantities of these dietary components, rendering them more susceptible to kidney stones. Adequate hydration and dietary adjustments can help prevent the development of kidney stones. Ongoing research is shedding light on the genetic and hormonal influences contributing to the gender disparities in kidney stone prevalence.

Biological Factors and Health Disparities1

Biological factors, including hormonal variations, sex chromosome disparities, reproductive anatomy, metabolism, and genetic predispositions, significantly shape the gender-specific health disparities observed in these conditions. Estrogen, for example, often protects against certain diseases, while testosterone may increase susceptibility to others. Advances in genetics and hormone research continue to uncover the intricate mechanisms underlying these disparities.


Recognizing the gender disparities in health conditions is pivotal in providing targeted healthcare. While both men and women share numerous health concerns, understanding the differences in the prevalence and severity of specific conditions is essential. These differences often stem from a complex interplay of genetic, hormonal, and lifestyle factors, with ongoing research continually expanding our understanding of these dynamics. Promoting awareness and early intervention ensures that individuals of all genders receive the necessary care and support to lead healthy lives. Remember, safeguarding one’s health is a universally important endeavor that involves a commitment to a healthy lifestyle and regular medical check-ups.


  1. Gender Differences in Determinants and Consequences of Health and Illness. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3013263/ Accessed on: Sept 5, 2023.
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