
Docquity Pulse Check 2024: The blend of digital and in-person learning 

The second edition of Docquity Pulse Check 2024 is in! This time we asked 460 Southeast Asian doctors how they like to learn, specifically their preferred learning channels and frequency across formats.  

A clear trend emerged – a blend of digital and in-person learning has become the norm for medical practitioners, with a high appreciation for the convenience of digital learning. Here’s a summary of our findings: 

  • Majority (81.5%) of Southeast Asian doctors participate in both digital and in-person learning events, though they attend digital events more frequently (3.56 digital events versus 2.78 in-person per month) 
  • With busy schedules, convenience remains key for doctors. Most (67.6%) would choose digital attendance at a hybrid learning event and a whopping 91.3% view on-demand digital content, likely due to the flexibility of both 
  • When asked about preferred learning channels, medical apps (24.1%), search engines (21.6%) and peer support (16.3%) were the top choices, further highlighting the blend of digital and in-person 

For several years, Docquity, Southeast Asia’s largest network of healthcare professionals (HCPs), connecting three out of every four, has collected data on doctor practice habits, learning trends and communication preferences. Insights are collated based on online and offline surveys of doctors across the region and specialties. The objective is to inform a deeper understanding of healthcare needs in Southeast Asia, driving improved industry interactions and ultimately, patient outcomes. 

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