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Discover medical insights across Southeast Asia and beyond.

World’s first heartless man was able to live without a pulse
May 18, 2023
The Widowmaker: A Deadly Heart Attack You Need to Know About
May 10, 2023
Can doctors refuse patients?
May 10, 2023
Are Doctors Bad With Money? Financial Mistakes Doctors Make
April 11, 2023
From burnout to bullying: Understanding Why Patients Harass Doctors
March 22, 2023
How doctors’ communication impacts cancer patients’ mental health
March 14, 2023
Best vacation destinations for doctors
February 27, 2023
Helpless in the Face of Tragedy: Doctors Respond to Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria
February 27, 2023
Gut Health and Exercise Motivation: A Connection Revealed by Science
January 13, 2023
Halloween stampede in South Korea and doctors’ role in providing medical assistance
January 2, 2023
Gene therapy can make a tremendous impact on global health yet demands equitable access
December 30, 2022
NMC Proposes Refusal of Treatment by Doctors in Cases of Abusive, Unruly, Violent patients or Relatives
December 29, 2022
Sleep Deprivation in Doctors
December 29, 2022
Quiet Quitting in Physicians: A Brief Overview
November 25, 2022
The mental health implications of ‘true crime’ content
November 24, 2022

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